Dies ist die archivierte Website der ehemaligen Bonner .NET User Group "Bonn-to-Code.Net" (2006-2017)


2012-04-24: Bonn-to-Code.Net: User-Treffen April
19:00 Uhr, Comma Soft AG in Bonn-Pützchen (Anfahrt)

Thema beim April-Treffen ist das DVCS Git, das mehr und mehr in der Windows-Welt Fuß fasst.

Using Git on Windows Thomas Ferris Nicolaisen
Git is a distributed version control system (DVCS) that was initially designed and developed for Linux kernel development. Windows support was long rumored to be lousy and still isn't without some issues that are tricky to figure out by yourself. Nevertheless more and more Windows developers are using Git, and even Microsoft now acknowledges Git by allowing it for the CodePlex code repository.
This talk includes a quick intro to the Git basics, and a demonstration of how to get it running in a typical Windows environment. We'll also see what it's like to participate in an open-source project on Github.

Über den Sprecher
Thomas Ferris Nicolaisen is a software developer who likes sharing what he knows. You can find out more about him on http://www.tfnico.com.